© James Jones for openphoto.net
We all love our pets unconditionally, and would do anything to keep them safe and healthy. Sometimes that's easier said than done though, and at times it can be a struggle to take care of that furry family member.
In Clark County, Wisconsin that statement can be even more true. As the third poorest county in the state of Wisconsin(U.S. Census Bureau), it can be a task in itself for those living under the poverty line to find a way to care for their pets.
As a pre-vet student and someone who was born and raised in Clark County, I feel quite invested in this topic. I wanted to find what options would be available to someone in that position and have a way to get that information out to the world.
Every day hundreds if not thousands of people are struggling to provide for their families. The added burden of caring for a well loved family pet is enough to push that struggle over the edge. By visiting the Supplies and Services pages you can learn about some free and reduced cost options available to people in the Clark County area.